Facing The Truth
Your Capabilities
Your Attitude
The First Statement of Logic
The Second Statement of Logic
The Quest for Truth Begins
Our First Port of Call
Our Second Port of Call
Our Third Port of Call
Our Fourth Port of Call
Our Fifth Port of Call
Our Sixth Port of Call
Our Seventh Port of Call
Our Eighth Port of Call
Our Final Port of Call
After the Quest
At the end of our journey
Facing The Truth
The Truth…What is the Truth of our being: Of our
It is a question that floats in the minds of every single
human being on the face of earth. It is a quest to unveil the
truth and the facts behind our existence, but in the course of
this journey other questions inevitably arise:
Why are we here?
What is our purpose?
Where did we come from?
Where are we going?
What is beyond life?
Why did God create us?
These questions float in the minds of every single human
being on the face of earth at one time or another, including
you; trying to unravel the truth and the facts behind our
Now my question to you is: Have you found the answers
to these questions?
If you have not, then allow me to tell you the answer as
succinctly as I can:
Facing The Truth
You see; There are three major reasons why god created all
of this:
1) The first reason is that God created us to worship Him,
to submit to His will, and to obey His commands.
2) The second reason is to show his beautiful names his
wisdom his knowledge his creativity his crafting for this
universe is a manifestation of his holy names, a reflection
of his ability, look around all what you see was made and
created by him, including you.
3) Now the last reason which is the most beautiful reason
is that He also created us to bring us joy and happiness with
His Company; and the evidence of this, is Heaven, a Kingdom
of never-ending joy, pleasure and happiness, where you can
have anything you want. Now here’s the catch, it's not a free
ride; therefore, this life is a test, a gateway to either heaven
or hell based on your beliefs and actions.
This booklet is the start of your voyage of discovery. I
promise that by the end of our journey, not only will my
words have a great impact on your life but they will also
change your destiny and reshape your future; and for that,
I thank you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for
giving me the opportunity and the privilege to take you on
this voyage, your quest for the truth.
Facing The Truth
All journeys start with preparations, and ours is no
exception, but these are very easy to make as they consist
of just four points that we have to bear in mind. The first
two are about your capabilities and the attitude you need to
maintain for the journey to succeed, and the second two are
simple statements of logic that we will refer to throughout
the journey.
Facing The Truth
You are a superior creature, with high intelligence and
a mind of your own. You can think, calculate and analyze
things. You can come up with your own conclusions and
decisions; therefore, you are a superior creature compared
to all other beings.
Now… If I were to ask you: “Do you agree?”
You would reply: “Yes…I agree.”
And I would agree too.
Your Capabilities
Facing The Truth
While reading my booklet, I want you to read it with an
open heart rather than open eyes. In other words I want you
to forget your nationality, your race, your background, your
family, and your beliefs. Try to visualize yourself with God
in this universe and nothing more than that.
Your Attitude
Facing The Truth
The 1st Statment Of Logic
This is very simple; it simply states that 1 + 1 = 2.
You are going to say: “I know that 1 + 1 = 2”
But what if I were to claim that 1 + 1 = 2.5
Would you agree?
Most probably you would say to yourself: “Here’s
another lunatic.” and you would look at me with sympathy
and sorrow and say: “Sorry buddy, but 1 + 1 = 2.”
But what if I told you that Nobel Prize winning
mathematicians have come to a new conclusion and proved
that 1 + 1 = 2.5 or 2.4 or 2.3.
Would you agree then?
You would probably interrupt me, and say: “I don’t care
if every person and every scientist on the face of the earth
said that. My friend, 1 + 1 is still 2, it’s been a fact from the
beginning of time, it’s a fact today, and 1 + 1 will still equal
2 till the day I die.”
You would probably go even further and claim that if I
walked up to an ignorant person, someone with no education
who does not know the fundamentals of the alphabet, and
asked him the outcome of 1 + 1, he would probably raise
his hand showing only two fingers (like the peace or victory
Facing The Truth
sign) and simply say “Two.”
And I would agree with your claim one hundred percent,
because 1 + 1 will always equal 2. Why? Because it is an
unchangeable universal law; it is a fact.
Facing The Truth
The 2nd Statment Of Logic
For God Almighty, the Creator of all beings, to be perfect
and complete, means that He can have no weaknesses and
can never be in need of anything whatsoever. If He were in
need of anything, it would be a sign of weakness, and He
would, therefore, be neither perfect nor complete.
So, in short, God is never in need of anything and has no
Now, if I were to ask you: “Do you agree?”
You would reply: “I definitely agree that for God to be God,
He must be complete and perfect.”
Great!! I completely agree with you.
Facing The Truth
Our quest For Truth Begins
Having identified our capabilities as thinking human
beings, armed ourselves with an open attitude, and agreed
on some fundamental points of logic, we are ready to begin
our journey.
Facing The Truth
Our 1st Port of Call
If I walked up to you and showed you my ID, and under
profession it said that I was a Prophet and Messenger of
God, would you accept it? Would you believe it?
You would probably say: “Hell NO!!!”
Why not? Why would you not accept my ID if it claimed
that I was a prophet and a messenger of God?
You would say: “Anyone can claim to be a prophet, or a
messenger of God, by making up his own identification.
There is no way to be sure if it’s genuine or authentic.”
My reply would be: “You mean to tell me that you would
accept an ID from a police officer.”
You would say: “YES!! I’ll accept the badge.”
And I would add: “You mean to tell me that you would
accept an ID from a government official or a company
employee or any other form of organization that indicated
who they were and who they work for.”
You would simply say: “Yes.”
“Hmmm… so that means you need something more than
an ID from me, if I claimed to be a prophet and messenger
Facing The Truth
of God.”
With a smiling face you would reply and say: “Yes, I need
more than an ID.”
“I know… you want something called a Miracle. You
want something that breaks the laws and the boundaries of
the universe as a token and a sign from God that I am His
messenger and prophet.”
Again, with a smiling face, you would say: “YES.”
And I would totally agree with you.
Now, I want you to think about this scenario:
Two people are standing side-by-side, one on the left and
the other on the right.
The one on the right side has a holy book; it claims that
Jesus, peace be upon him, can heal the sick, make the blind
see again, and wake up the dead. It says: “These are the signs
of my forthcoming prophet; if you see them, then that is my
prophet and messenger.” So he sees Jesus, peace be upon
him, performing his miracles by healing the sick, making
the blind see again, and waking up the dead. Suddenly he
jumps into the air with joy, saying: “This is the prophet of
Facing The Truth
Now the one on the left has neither a book nor knowledge,
and he too sees Jesus, peace be upon him, healing the sick,
making the blind see again, and waking up the dead. So he
too jumps with joy; saying: “This is definitely God, have we
not heard that since the beginning of time, from the time of
our father Adam, that no one can wake the dead accept God.
Surely this, standing in front of me, is God.”
Now I would ask you: “Would you agree that Jesus is a
God, or the Son of God, or the Holy Spirit, or is in any form
You would say: “Yes, I agree.”
“But wait a minute. The prophets and messengers
performed powerful miracles to prove to their people that
they were sent by God. Moses, for example, peace be upon
him, parted the Red Sea and turned water into blood. He
performed miracles, just different types of miracles, so why
is Jesus a God and not Moses?”
Think about it…
And do not forget the ID…
Facing The Truth
Our 2nd Port of Call
I am now going to claim that you are neither complete
nor perfect; you are weak, always in need of something, and
cannot stand-alone.
Your reply would be: “What do you mean by that?”
I would explain by saying: “Needing to eat and drink is a
sign of weakness. If you don’t eat and drink, you starve,
and in the end, if you starve for a long period of time, you’ll
Now, would you agree that this is a sign of weakness?
You would reply: “Yes, I agree that it’s a sign of
So this means that God does not eat or drink, because it is
a sign of weakness.
I would also claim that you sometimes feel fatigued and
tired; you need to rest and sleep, because otherwise you
will be unable to function properly and will eventually
Do you agree?
Facing The Truth
You would say: “Yes.”
And I would also say that for you to marry, have sexual
intercourse, and have children are signs of weakness.
You may do so for many reasons, to fulfill emotional and
physical needs, to bring joy and happiness to your life, to
have children carrying your name, or helping you as you
grow older. These are all signs of weakness for they mean
that you do not stand-alone; you need a son or daughter.
I hope by now you understand clearly that those who say
that God Almighty, the Creator of all beings, has a son or is
in need of one, are insulting Him. For God to have or need
a son is a sign of weakness since it means He is neither
complete nor perfect. We agreed that 1 + 1 = 2, but to say
God has a son is like saying 1 + 1 does not equal 2 here.
My God stands alone. He is never in need of anything. He
is perfect, He is complete. Therefore, He has no son and
will never have a son because He is GOD. Here, 1 + 1 still
equals 2.
Think about it…
Facing The Truth
Our 3rd Port of Call
Supposing I walked up to you, hit you, disappeared,
and then walked up to you again and asked for forgiveness,
would you forgive me?
Doubtless, as you have a kind and generous heart, you
would say: “Since you are sincere, admitting your wrongful
act, and asking for my forgiveness, I forgive you from my
heart for what you did.”
But what does this mean?
It means that you are saying that God did not have the
power or the will to forgive mankind for their sins and bad
deeds; to do so He needed to crucify His son!
Also, It means that you are claiming to possess the power
to forgive and the kindness to forgive by just willing it and
God does not.
All that you have is from God. Yet you claim to have the
power and will to forgive, something that was given to you
by God, and also claim that God does not have the power or
will to forgive? Surely this is a sign of weakness; 1 + 1 does
not equal 2 here! Don't forget that you have claimed that
God is perfect and complete.
Think about it…
Facing The Truth
Our 4th Port of Call
The Bible mentions that Jesus, peace be upon him, was
crucified, endured pain and torture, was beaten up, was
called names, and was spat on by the people.
Now my question is: How can someone worship a God
that could not help Himself while being crucified, hurt, spat
on and called names?
If this God is enduring pain and torture, and cannot stop
such things happening to Him, how can He help you avoid
such things?
Think about it…
A God who feels pain and endures torture is showing
weakness. A God, who has been beaten up, spat on and
called names is not a God worthy of being worshiped.
Truly, a God who has been captured, and crucified and
called names by his own creatures is not a God. Now 1 + 1
= 2, but I do not know what this equals.
Let me illustrate this with an example. If I were to hit
you, spit on you, call you names, and humiliate you in
front of your neighbors, you would walk in shame in your
Facing The Truth
neighborhood; you might even move away.
Are you trying to tell me that God walks in shame? My God
is perfect and complete for He walks in pride and glory! No
God that is worthy of worship from all mankind experiences
All prophets and messengers that carried the message
of God to their people, such as Moses, Abraham, and
Mohammad, peace be upon them all, endured the same
circumstances. They were called names, beaten up, and spat
on by their people.
In short, 1 + 1 will always equal 2, but a God, who
has been hit, crucified, spat upon, and called names, is not
a GOD worthy of worship. Now 1 + 1 = 2 but if you are
saying that Your God is perfect and complete then 1 + 1
does not equal 2 here either!
Think about it…
Facing The Truth
Our 5th Port of Call
The Truth: What is the Truth?
After the creation of our father Adam, the original message
was repeatedly delivered to mankind throughout history.
Many prophets and messengers, including Adam, Noah,
Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be
upon them all, were sent by the true God to convey this
The true God is only ONE. Worship ONLY Him and keep
His commandments.
(1) This Port of call is based on Dr. Naji Arfaj booklet Just One Message!
The True GOD The Creater
Sents Prophets To Convey
The True GOD
is only ONE , worship HIM
& keep HIS commanments
Facing The Truth
To receive guidance from God and deliver it to the
To convey the message that God is One.
To be role models for the people.
To instruct us to fear God and keep His
To teach us important religious, moral and worldly
To guide us if we deviate, disobey God, or worship
other gods or idols.
To tell us about the Final Destination (Last Day) and
what leads to Paradise (Heaven) or Hellfire (Hell).
The oneness of this true God, the Creator, is clearly
evident and easily traceable in the holy scriptures of
the Jews, Christians, Muslims, and in what remains of
other religious texts.
This true God is the Creator, not the created.
Studying the concept of God in the Bible and the Qur’an
objectively, a sincere seeker of the truth is able to discern
the unique qualities belonging to the true and only God.
Some of the qualities that distinguish this one true God
from others who are claimed to be God are:
God sent these Major Prophets, as well as many other
prophets and messengers, to accomplish several tasks and
missions, some of which are:
Facing The Truth
This true God is ONE, not three or more! He has no
partners nor equals.
This one true God is invisible; no one can see Him in this life. He is not physically manifested or incarnated in other forms.
This one true God is eternal; He does not die or
This one true God has no need of anyone; not a mother,
a wife, or a son; nor of things like food, drink, or help:
But others are in need of Him.
This one true God is unique in His attributes; no one is like Him. No human or creatures descriptions can be attributed to Him.
God the Father.
God the Son.
God the Holy Spirit.
So, based on commonsense and simple logic, a sincere
and honest seeker of truth could ask:
What do you mean by saying that GOD is ONE,
while referring to THREE GODS?
We can use these criteria and qualities (as well as others
belonging to Him alone) in examining and rejecting claims
of being God.
Now Christians might wonder about this and say: “It is
obvious that God is one. I believe in one God. So what is
the point of your argument?”
Christians perceive this one God to include:
Facing The Truth
Is God ONE in THREE (1 in 3) or THREE in ONE
(3 in 1)?
In addition, according to Christian dogma, these three
“Gods” have different identities, images, roles, and
God the Father = the Creator.
God the Son = the Savior.
God the Holy Spirit = the Counselor.
Every time you think of one of these three you are
going to form a different impression and mental
The Bible confirms the criteria and qualities that
distinguish the One True God from all others, it states:
“You have never heard His voice nor seen His face.”
(John 5:37)
“No one has ever seen Him, and no one can see
Him.” (1 Timothy 6:16)
“No one can see Me and stay alive.” (Exodus 33:20)
Bu t s u rely, if Jesus, peace be upon him, God the Son
(or Son of God) was really God or part of the One God, it
contradicts what the Bible states. Did the Jews of his time,
his family, and his followers, SEE Jesus, peace be upon
him, as some believe and HEAR his voice?
Please re-read the verses and think about it…
Let us put these concepts to the test and see if the Holy
Scriptures mention the oneness of God, and state that there
Facing The Truth
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.”
(Deuteronomy 6: 4)
“Has not the One God made and sustained for us
the spirit of life?” (Malachi 2: 15)
“You may know and believe Me and understand that
I am He. Before Me no God was formed, nor shall
there be any after Me. I, I am the Lord, and besides Me
there is no Savior.” (Isaiah 43: 10-11)
“I am the first and I am the last; besides Me there is
no God. Who is like Me?” (Isaiah 44: 6)
“And there is no other God besides Me, a righteous
God and Savior; There is none besides Me. Turn to Me
and be saved… To Me every knee shall bow.” (Isaiah
45: 2123-)
And then by looking in the Bible, the New Testament:
“Now this is life eternal, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17: 3)
“Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.”
is only one true God. To prove these points as objectively
as possible, I will cite some verses without comment, but
please read them carefully, critically, and without any
preconceptions. I believe that truth will prevail, and if you
are sincere, honest, serious, objective and open-minded
in seeking the truth, it will prevail and you will see it,
because it's the truth!
Let us begin by looking in the Old Testament:
Facing The Truth
(Matthew 4: 10)
“Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is One Lord.”
(Mark 12: 29)
“For there is one God and there is one mediator between
God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 2: 5)
And finally, by looking in the Qur’an:
“Say: He is Allah (God), the One; Allah (God), the Eternal, Absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like Him.” (112: 14-)
“There is no God but I; so worship Me.” (21: 25)
“They disbelieve who say: Allah (God) is one of
three, for there is no God except One God. If they desist
not from their word (of blasphemy), verily, a grievous
chastisement will befall the disbelievers among them.”
(5: 73)
“Can there be another God besides Allah (God)? Nay,
most of them know not.” (27: 61)
“Can there be another God besides Allah (God)? High is Allah (God) above what they associate with Him.” (27: 63)
“Can there be another God besides Allah (God)? Say:
Bring forth your proof, if ye are telling the truth!” (27:
These verses, and hundreds of others in the Bible and the
Qur’an, confirm the eternal message that the true God is
One. “Turn to me now and be saved, people all over the
world! I AM THE ONLY GOD THERE IS.” (Isaiah 45:
Facing The Truth
Not only does the Bible affirm that God is only ONE,
but it also reveals that the true God, the Creator, is the only
Savior. “Before Me no God was Formed, nor shall there be
any after Me. I, I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no
Savior.” (Isaiah 43: 1011-).
Please re-read these verses and think deeply about them…..
Facing The Truth
Our 6th Port of Call
I am going to ask you to join me in a thought experiment. I
want you to play the role of a witness, just as if you were called
to testify in a courtroom, and I will lead you through a series of
questions about the person who made this book. Your task is
bear witness to the veracity of what is asked; but of course since
you are not here, and the statements if answered with truth and
sincerity bear no contradiction, I have composed your probable
Question 1: “Do you bear witness that the person who made this
book must have had the paper with which it is made?”
Answer 1: “Yes, I bear witness that he must have had, because
if he hadn’t had the paper I wouldn’t be holding this book in my
hand right now.”
Question 2: “Do you bear witness that he had the ink with which
it is printed?”
Answer 2: “Yes, I bear witness that he had the ink with which it
is printed, because without the ink I wouldn’t be able to read this
book that has been printed in ink.”
Question 3: “Do you bear witness that he has the knowledge
Facing The Truth
experience of making books?”
Answer 3: “Yes, I bear witness that he has the knowledge and
experience of making books, because if he didn’t know how to
make books, how could he have made this book?”
Question 4: “Do you bear witness that he is an artist in shaping
and designing this book?”
Answer 4: “Yes, I bear witness that he is an artist, because if he
did not know how to shape and design this book, it would not
look the way it looks now.”
Question 5: “Do you bear witness that he stapled and glued this
book with perfection so that the papers won’t fall off?”
Answer 5: “Yes, I bear witness that he stapled and glued this
book with perfection, because if he hadn’t this book would have
fallen apart.”
Question 6: “Did you see him make the book?”
Answer 6: “No, I didn’t see him make the book.”
At this point I have to ask in surprise: “Why are you bearing
witness of him in making the book if you didn’t actually witness
him making the book?”
Facing The Truth
Your answer would have to be along the lines of: “I didn’t see
him make the book, but the physical properties of the book bear
witness to his possession of the materials, its appearance is witness
to his artistry, and its existence is witness to his knowledge and
experience. The book is like a mirror reflecting the ability of it's
creator; what he possesses and what he is capable of. It's like
When you walk on a beach and see footprints in the sand, you
may say to yourself: ‘I know somebody has walked here’, even
though, you haven’t actually seen anyone, because the footprints
bear witness and reflect that someone walked there.”
I hope by now that you understand and realize that i the auther
of this book , stand in front of you as living evidence and proof
of my Creator. For I am a reflection of His knowledge, wisdom,
perfection and creativity. I stand as evidence and proof that there
is no God but God, just as you stand evidence of our creator.
A God who is Mighty and Powerful and Complete; He has no
sons nor spouse nor partners, for He is GOD.
He is the same God who created and sent those prophets and
messengers. He is the Creator of all humans, all animals, and
all objects. He is this ONE TRUE GOD who created the whole
universe and all it contains. He is the Creator of life, death, and
the afterlife.
Think about it…
Facing The Truth
Do you have a good eye? By that I mean an eye that has
the ability and power to see things, to distinguish between
colors, objects and dimensions in a room.
Most of you would probably say: “Yes.”
But what if I switched off the lights and you were in complete
darkness could you see?
The answer has to be: “No.”
You are right. Even if you wave your hand in front of
your eyes you will not be able to see it, because you are in
complete darkness. But what if I turned the lights back on
again? Your eyes will regain their sight and you will be able
to see again.
You would have to agree: “Yes you’re right.”
Not being able to see in the dark does not mean that you
don't have eyes, you just need light. It is the same thing with
your mind. Without right knowledge, which is the light, you
cannot see the truth and you cannot understand it; but now
you have seen the truth.
Today, God has blessed you. Today, God has shed some
Our 7th Port of Call
Facing The Truth
light on your path. Now you have seen the truth that God is
Mighty, Perfect and a Complete Lord.
Even those with the greatest minds and the highest
intelligence cannot see the truth without the light of
It is time to face the truth…
Facing The Truth
Our 8th Port of Call
God is Perfect and Complete. We see the signs of His
existence and love all around us, we see the perfection of
His creation, and we do not need to see Him with our own
eyes to know He is there. We cannot see the wind but we
feel its presence; we know it is there; this is what is called
“God is love.” Isn’t that what Jesus, peace be upon him,
If God is love why did He have to sacrifice His ‘only
begotten son’ to forgive our sins? He did not. He had no son.
God can forgive humanity’s sins simply by willing it!
If Jesus were god why did he allow the crucifixion, with all
that came with it? It just does not make sense. 1 + 1 does
not equal 2.
Jesus, peace be upon him, was a messenger of God, like
Moses before him and Mohammed after him, peace be upon
them all. They all had miracles, signs by which we would
know them; their miracles do not make them God!
God is Perfect and Complete. He is far beyond the need to
have a child, that is a human trait, He is not human, He is
GOD. 1 + 1 = 2!
Think deeply about this…
Facing The Truth
Our Final Port of Call
We have reached our destination. I hope you made the
most out of our journey together and you thought deeply
about all the issues we encountered along the way.
This is the climax of your quest; the fallacies have been
exposed, the truth laid bare, and the lantern of knowledge
and realization lit.
It is time to stand up and declare your freedom from
falsehood and error.
I call you to Islam; to submit to the will of our Lord God,
the One who created us, and gave us all that we have today
and all the pleasures we enjoy in life.
Just say these words:
(Ashhado an La ellaha ella Allah wa ana Mohammad
rasool Allah).
I testify that there is no God worthy of worship but the One
True God (Allah) and that Muhammad is the Messenger of
God (Allah).
This testimony is the first step on the way to eternal life and
the key to the gates of Paradise.
Facing The Truth
After The quest
Continuing to Safe Heaven?
Having had the courage to declare your faith, a thirst for
knowledge is sure to overcome you, and a desire to talk to
others that have taken this step before you.
When you are ready, you can contact your Muslim brothers
at any Islamic center, some of which are listed at the end of
this booklet.
Or to Shipwreck?
If after all you have read and all the thinking you have
done, you do not submit to God and His will, I urge you
as a brother to take a moment and rethink your path and
Heaven and hell are not myths; they are the final destination
for all humankind. Heaven is for those who submit to God’s
will; hell is for those who do not.
If you are a sincere seeker of truth and a lover of salvation,
you might like to consider this NOW, before it is too late!
Before the end of the exam! (Death!). It could be soon! Who
The Truth... has been revealed.
Facing The Truth
At The End of Our Journey
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart
for giving me the opportunity and the privilege, as your
loving brother, to show you the path and to enlighten you
about this glorious journey called life, created for us by our
loving God.
Last Praise, thanks and gratitude to Allah
Yours with sincerity and love,
Your brother in humanity and Islam; a son of our father
Abdulrahman N. Al-Malhouk
Facing The Truth
Useful Websites on Islam:
For an electric version of the booklet (pdf) you can download
it from :
If you have any remakes or comments on the book you can
contact the author at his e-mail : malhouk@gmail.com .
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